Monday, December 3, 2012

Chef Simon comes upstairs to the wine bar at the end of the night, and since my mom is there, he tells some stories.  Back in France there is a test for chefs that must be passed.  It involves slaughtering a rabbit.  Clock it on the back of the head, let the blood run down, and next thing you're skinning the rabbit in one smooth motion of the main incision.  Simon explains to us, he never likes, never will like, the killing part.  I pour him a little more Bordeaux.  Soft shell crab...  oh, no, you do it, I didn't quite get the hang, Chef...  Avoid it.  Learn the lesson through not quite doing it yourself actually.  "I hate killing!"  His eyes are open now, not that they aren't always.  The important test, the apprentice shows up, and sees the rabbits, dead ones, carcasses, hanging up, headless, and the live ones remaining.  Each year, 'no, I can't do it, I'm sorry, I can't do it.'  Then one year, our Chef Simon is first for the test.  No little bunny carcasses hanging up in front of everyone...  Can he do it?

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