Monday, September 5, 2011

Homo Applestorensis

This is what we are becoming, something being Homo Sapien left us vulnerable to. Of course, someone took advantage of it. Our tools would reshape us.

It wasn't JFK telling us to go the moon... It was the perfect and willing and complete obeisance to the computer, the new tool of food gathering. We leave our children to its charge.

Well, you hope something good comes out of the computer, the shiny device we are enthralled with for its myriad of instant content.

You write a book, and that's fine. You can get it up on Amazon easily enough, and on to Kindle. But... you are left with a subtle impression, that though you are a provider of real content, a decent story about human stuff, that somehow you are a great creep, and that asking anyone to read your book is asking them to perform something distasteful, asking them to participate in your narcissistic selfishness. And strange, because you wrote it to say why one is not really the creep he is taken to be, that his motivations had perhaps a bit of integrity?

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