Saturday, January 12, 2019

My father, who is in heaven, was a scientist.  He was a botanist.  He had a good background in theosophy.  He was an educator.  He loved teaching.  The thoughts he conveyed had truth and eloquence.  He could back up the things of knowledge he had to share.  There was not a selfish bone in his teachings.

If one is pure, by the laws, he has nothing to worry about.  If he, or she, is a good person, striving to do the good, to be right and honest and not overstepping his bounds, the Universes will find a place and keep him.

For a while, he might serve wine.  For a while he might be looked down upon.  He might be taken as a child, or belonging somewhere on the idiot band.

I was required to eat shit for a long time.  It was a strenuous hard life.  No ease of having an office, a chair at the great academy.  Like a doctor, you were on your feet all day.  That's what you have to do.  You aren't in the front aisle of the church, you're in the back.  You grasp that you do not need to put on any kind of a show.  Why not?  Because the father who is in heaven, the great describer of things, the great understanding, the great definer of reality, is taking care of you, describing your own probability, that of where you will by prediction be found.

All the prophets and thinkers have grasped that.  They know the principle of finding the undefined space, the space between the particle of light from its source to the screen that might catch it.  They knew that any time they would be asked to fall into a particular sort of an occupation.  They grasp that because of the general laws of respect and economic judgments upon the importance, gravity and usefulness of professions, people of society will place assessment upon a person, at least until they know, until they come into close contact with the person.  As one person can never judge another...

Who should gain and continue to deserve our respect?

An educator leads by knowing what questions to present...

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