Tuesday, November 1, 2011

fox five poison

The Fox Five, four of them, along with the whole crew of pundits, are such a great argument for market capitalism. They get paid handsomely to ignore truth, misrepresent, promulgate stupidity in such a way as to foster its repetition, say bad about perfectly good people through categorizing. They get paid, in short, to cause harm and act like idiots. And obviously, they are quite proud of the job they do. Oh sure, they keep a laugh around the edges, as if to say, oh hey we didn't really mean it, this is all innocent fun and games, in doing so smugly planting their opinions deeper in their listener. Which is clever, but to one who doesn't drink their kool-aid, this only has the effect of making them all the more despicable and impossible to stomach.

Last night, one witnessed their rant on government ads that responsibly mention the evils of sweetened soda and the whole slew of junk food pushed on children, who obviously bear the cost through diabetes, obesity, etc., etc. "No, there should be more Dr. Peppers," one triumphantly shouts, "that's what America needs."

Okay. Maybe it's just my bias, wishing Americans to have healthy lives, as life is hard enough already without temptations toward that which makes you sick. But I guess one shouldn't be surprised at the low quality of the pabulum Fox minds would offer the plebians, while they of course, on their way to trickling down from on high in their state of doing better eat well enough, why, because they have earned, earned it even through foisting off phosphates and high fructose corn syrup on school kids.

(And then, in the next segment, to prove the all knowing wisdom of Fox, all knowing Ms. Coulter conveniently has forgotten an interesting tidbit about Clarence Thomas, from accounts by the woman in his life, that he was quite fond of, addicted to, even, shopping at a pornography shop in Dupont Circle in his pre-Justice days, in a manner consistent with a side experienced by Ms. Hill. So, let's maybe get a better picture, even before we get to Mr. Herman Cain, on the original 'high tech lynching,' the Conservatives cry foul over, having coached their support. It's the hypocrisy here. Ah, but you can't argue with the likes of anyone such as Ms. Coulter.)

So, they sit around, getting paid handsomely to poison the public mind, because, hey, they are getting paid for it, therefore it has to be good for everyone, because it's a job and, we need jobs. I can think of better jobs for the lot of them. But, I'm glad they are so self-confident, smug, know-it-all, so untouched by the sad truth of things in general, so, in short, privileged.

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