Monday, January 24, 2011

Ahh, the humor found in late night television.
On one channel, a rerun of David Gregory and his trickle-down minions giving the public what it wants enough for NBC to have its sunday morning market share, vociferating against the President with smug 'we know' grins; on another, Steven King's Children of the Corn. Chelsea Handler is becoming more a Buddha every day.

Well, they kept the front office's pet and got rid of Olbermann. The NY Post doesn't seem to like Olbermann either, doing their best to portray him as an elitist drunk.

1 comment:

vic said...

olberman was getting his buttons pushed, not pushing any. There's a big difference. I felt his style needed refinement. It wasn't down. He was a bit of an embarrassment in my book. I mean the dogs at fox should be blocked back a bit and challenged, ....but to mount a formidable attack on the republican power structure you need the kingdom of god, spirituality, god; really, all progress begins with spirituality.