Sunday, January 3, 2010

It was a beautifully simple question. "Saul, why doest thou persecute me?" Without emotion, Jesus proclaiming the inherent human being. "Saul, why are you being such a shit?" "Why can't you be kind to people, to poor suffering humanity?" "What do you have against me, or anyone hungry for something finer? What does it say about you?" So did all the bright light shine on Saul on the road to Damascus.

Persecute? "Yes, Saul, persecute, is the word. That's what I said. Persecute." (It was kind of like explaining something to a two-year old.) More light shone, hanging in the space vibrating between Saul and the Heavens, touching, caressing him, radiating within him. Saul sort of blinked, as if waking up, motionless. The light was very bright, but rather than blinding caused a feeling of harmony. He heard the gentle voice again, teaching him, as if from within. Go on to Damascus, and await further instruction.

Oh. I guess I had better listen to him. I hadn't thought of it that way. I can do that. And he went on his way. I feel good, Saul remarked to himself. Strangely weirdly good, like never before.

And then began the time of his doing useful things in the world.

It was quite a comment on society.

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