Saturday, September 20, 2008

Changing the Channel on the Bush Years

The Beatific visions speaks to the people of the world because that in reality is who all of us are, what each of us is. The reality of our lives contain all such elements.

Democracy works because it includes everyone, thereby allowing room for the fundamental truths upon our existence. So do people flourish, in their great variety, in a system of government and society where people share and share equally, as ultimately they share the same end. (A war against the people will not be won.) Wine is a good metaphor for such a system, for all are the same before wine and the pleasure it offers. We are simple creatures who have a thirst for joy and reality.

So do we place faith and trust in humanity, and strive to give everyone a place, an equal voice and respect.

Not good for such a system of maintaining society is kind of cynicism that places faith in complex schemes, the Tower of Babel of unregulated greed that makes insiders wealthy and others without homes, the Tower of Babel of the War on Terror, an excuse to go and mess with the civilian lives of peoples from other nations identical to our own in substance, the Tower of Babel of taking power from the people and resting it in a veil of executive secrecy and false and arrogant claims of little merit

The earth too is poor and suffering, as are its creatures, and it too needs our attention.

It will be a good thing when the channel is changed.

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