Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lincoln:  {in a whisper}  Kennedy, the truth is, you and I are scribes.  We're meant to interpret the law, apply it to issues, maintain the scriptures.  Sometimes read it.  That's the respectable part of our job.  But… we're still, or at least we want to be, something somewhat someone like Christ or someone like that.  We have to do that part too.

 And I know we all have to go through the spiritual story, that we have to fall, too, like Job or any of them I suppose, in order to really grasp it.  So I was lucky, knowingly, in that I got what sorrows I could out of the way.  And I'd find it didn't kill me, so…  Because I knew unto the world come offenses.   So by the time of the end of it, well, you know, same thing happened to you, you were not…  unready.  Unready, let's say.

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